
The Reliant line of laminating machines provides users a wide range to select from. For more than 50-years Reliant’s straight-thru design has been a staple in the laminating and consolidation markets. The modular designed system of heating, cooling, and pressure allows the capacity of each machine to fit the process parameters required by our customers.

Our in-house team of engineers work with companies to design the most technically suited laminator for their individual needs. Along with a wide offering of peripheral equipment to complement the Reliant laminator our team delivers a solution to our customers’ requirements.


Powerbond laminators bring fully modular and flexible assembly concept together with a high pressure system capable of applying significantly increased levels of pressure during heating and cooling.

Explore our Powerbond products:


Coolstream laminators provide a modular, medium to high capacity laminating system at a cost which is affordable and significantly lower than is usually available in the laminating industry.

Explore our Coolstream products:


Compact laminators are designed to enable both reel to reel and cut piece laminating to be carried out.

Explore our Compact products: